Discover Agriculture

Discover agriculture with us, whether Micro or Small scale farmer and work together to help you reach your full potential through innovative financial solutions.

About Discover Agric

Discover Agriculture Limited is a wholly owned Zambian, Agric-tech company whose aim is to boost agriculture productivity of small-scale farmers in rural Zambia and Africa with the use of a digital platform designed to increase farmer participation in the agric food value chain, access to Agro-inputs, Link to premium market, credit finance and insurance resulting in high crop yield and increased income for farmers.

At Discover Agric, we leverage on our Discover-Agric application which hosts the whole operations of the Village Banking/Savings in one system, by enabling member savings activities to have smooth operations activities digitally which increases their credit score by documenting their borrowing and savings activities and tracked in real time.

Why people choose Discover Agric?

Discover-Agric’s belief, “Discover the allure of sustainable farming” starts with a good digital system. That’s why the Discover-Agric App is a robust system which helps with accurate underwriting of farmer credit risk through member saving groups with additional insurance coverage and climate smart agriculture practices.

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It hosts the whole operations of the Village Banking/Savings in one system, by enabling member savings activities to have smooth operations digitally.
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The App increases your credit score by documenting your borrowing and savings activities and can be tracked in real time.
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The Application allows the profiling of the farmer and farm in readiness for farming packages on credit from Discover-Agric Partners.
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Full range of services such as Customized Agric Service, Soil Mapping and Testing, Farm Inputs, Credit, Insurance and Market Linkage.

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